More than 16 years and thousands of associates agree with us, join us.
It is the discount that is applied to the price of the product and what goes paid for by COE, saving you up to 70% on products, machinery and services of the best companies.
Like the LOPD, the LSSI, defibrillators, amalgam particle separator filter.
To increase your billing and retain your customers. We have the highest acceptance rate of operations in the sector.
To improve your visibility and attract more customers. Free inclusion in the COE dentist search engine. Customizable posters for your
social networks or your communications.
You will have a lawyer
specialist for your questions
by phone, in person or by email.
Dental Genetics, alarm and
control systems, repair of handpieces and small appliances, Paradores Nacionales and other dental materials, etc.
COE arises from the need that private dentists have todefend ourselves from the aggressive policies of insurance companies and franchises, both in prices and advertising, as well as from all the harm caused by the industry in this sector (manufacturers, distributors, and warehouses) that granted them inaccessible discounts for private consultations, making us less competitive.
Together, we are supporting private dentistry and thus being able to compete on equal terms.
We have achieved everything you have requested, from materials and machinery from the best brands that you can buy at cost, to all the mandatory regulations subsidized and fully accessible so that they do not harm your economy. We are already a group with enough weight to attract the big brands that are calling us to offer their products to COE Associates.
We work more united than ever to face any adversity that may arise.