Círculo de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos

Join the Circle of Dentists and Stomatologists


FREE advice* to associates in the first consultation (in person, by telephone or via email) in the following fields of law: Labor, Civil, Commercial, Administrative, Intellectual Property, etc. As well as the 50% discount on minimum fees set by the Madrid Bar Association, if you wish to entrust a matter for the defense of your interests, this is the best option.
*Agreement offered by FSOESA
Our legal advice service, which is the 3rd most valued service by associates, is essential in your efforts. The most important point is labor, where having a well-done contract will save you many surprises and disappointments, you don’t have to reach a dispute, you have to have the contracts well done. And so, in other areas of contracting services, you must have advice that protects you.

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